How to Resolve “Unable to find path to server” Error in Lotus Notes?

Last updated on September 25th, 2021 at 04:26 pm

Summary:- The blog discusses the Lotus Notes “unable to find path to server” error, which is a common error of Lotus Notes. In this blog, we have provided information about the causes as well as potential solutions for resolving the error.

IBM Lotus Notes email client handles all of the data items emails, schedules, meetings, journals, contacts, and so on. However, if anything goes wrong, Lotus Notes stops working, which makes it difficult for individuals and organizations to operate. It is prone to bugs, much like other email clients. Lotus Notes “unable to find path to server” is one such error that causes Lotus Notes to malfunction. You may have run into this error while using Lotus Notes. So, let’s look at the root causes of this error and potential workarounds for troubleshooting.

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Lotus Notes error “unable to find path to server”

When a Lotus Notes user connects or attempts to connect to Domino Server, he will receive error messages such as:

“Unable to find path to server”

“The Server is not responding”

“Remote System No Longer Responding”

Each of these errors will occur when there is a problem with the Lotus Notes and Domino server’s connection. You can trace TCP/IP for checking a connection. For this click File → Preferences → User Preferences → Ports → Trace (Lotus Notes email client) or Trace Command (Domino Server).

Causes and Solutions for the Error “Unable to Find path to Server”

Reason 1:- When the CLASSPATH or CLASSPATH.SAVED variables are not set

Solution:- You can resolve Lotus Notes unable to find path to server error by the following steps:-

  • Right-click My Computer and then select Properties.
  • Select Environment Variables from the Advanced tab.
  • Click “New ” to create a new system variable. Now set CLASSPATH= or CLASSPATH.SAVED=.
  • To save the added variable and complete the operation by clicking on Save.

Reason 2:- When Notes caches old and outdated IP addresses

Solution:- To resolve Lotus Notes unable to find path to server error, you have to generate a new location document. To do this follow the given stes:-

  • Locally, create a new location document in Names.nsf. It will assist Lotus Notes in limiting the use of the cached “last known good address” stored in the reboot.
  • You must now create a formula agent in the location document by following the steps below:-
    • Open the Lotus Notes email client. Select Create >> Agent.
    • Click Basics >> enter the agent’s name in the Name field in Agent Properties section.
    • You can choose Shared if you want other users to be able to use the agent, or Private if you just want to use it.
    • You can also specify if the agent will search for text in documents. If the user check for “Store search in Search bar menu,” the query will appear in the Search bar. A user can also check the box that says “Store highlights in the document” to highlight the matched searches in the documents that were checked.
    • Now, in the runtime section, pick one of the triggers, such as “On event” to select the event or “On Schedule” to schedule the time.
    • Go to the Security tab and set up the Security tab’s properties. After that, close the box.
    • Click on Add Action and give the agent any simple action.
    • Select Objects tab >> Document Selection >> Add Action To allow the agent to search for a document.
    • Click File >> Save to save the agent in the application.
  • Now, using the following code, create a formula agent to clear all of the fields in the Location document:-
    FIELD $SavedAddresses:= “”;
    FIELD $SavedPorts:= “”;
    FIELD $SavedServers:= “”;
    FIELD $SavedDate:= “”;
    FIELD $SavedTriedDate:= “”;

Reason 3:- When the remote server is unknown as a TCP/IP host

Solution:- The connection between the Lotus Notes client and the Domino server must be checked. Check the status bar to see what location you’ve chosen. The Notes client and Domino Server are not connected when the status is “Offline.”

If you have multiple Domino servers in your environment, try logging in to one of them.

Open IBM Notes Application >> File >> Open >> IBM Notes Application >> Change the server.

However, if the problem recurs, contact the support desk.


In the above write-up, we have discussed the “Unable to find path to server” Error in Lotus Notes. The main cause of this problem is a connection problem between the Notes client and the server. To solve this problem, you can use the methods mentioned above. If you are unable to resolve this lotus notes error, you can try to migrate from Lotus Notes to Outlook. For this, you can try this eSoftTools NSF to PST Converter software. I hope you found this article useful.

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