Last updated on September 15th, 2021 at 11:59 am
Exporting Exchange Mailbox to PST with selective items will become easier by filtering required items by date range. This method can allow users to Extract items of specific dates from the Exchange Database EDB file. If you are also want to done this task or want a solution for How To Export Mailbox To PST Exchange 2010 Specific Date Range? Then, this blog is for you. Because here we going to proviode you the best answers for your query.
Most organizations use the Exchange Server to manage/store their emails, contact, task, and other information. Exchange Server saves the entire data of the user’s mailbox locally in an EDB file. Moving this EDB file for data transferring from one computer to another is not an easy job. The reason is This EDB file format is only workable in Exchange Server. Also, when the user has a corrupt EDB file it becomes difficult to access their important items. In that situation, the user needs to Convert EDB to PST or Export Exchange Mailbox to PST. By Exporting Exchange mailbox to PST files users get the power to smartly explore their important data EDB file Outside the Exchange server.
What is Exporting Exchange Mailbox To PST With Specific Date Range?
Exchange Server contains a very large amount of data in EDB files like- emails, contacts, calendar, etc. In a case where the user wants to export only a few items from a large amount of database, the best process filters & select email of some specific dates. By making a selection of some specific date a user can easily choose the required mailbox items to export them into another file format like- PST.
Methods to Export Exchnage Mailbox To PST With Specific Date Range
There are two methods to make the task of Exporting Exchange mailboxes to PST with a specific date range. The first one is the manual method. Yes, manually a user can Export Exchange mailbox with the help of some PowerShell command. In EMS (Exchange Management Shell) users can apply the commands to Extract some specific items from the Exchange mailbox to PST by filtering items by date range.
Another method that is available to users is EDB to PST Converter Software. It is more reliable than any manual method and officially provided for non-technical users. Also, it offers a clean GUI and a date filter option for user ease to Export Exchange Mailbox To PST of Specific Date Range with fewer efforts.
Manually Export Exchange Mailbox To PST With Specific Date Range
Below mentioned is the manual method that a user can try to export mailbox to PST from Exchange Database with specific. Simply follow the PowerShell commands given below Exchange data items to PST files.
- Launch Notepad in your computer and type user account names and save this notepad file as mailboxnames.txt.
- Now again create a new file in Notepad and paste the below mentioned code and save this file as ****name.ps1:-

- Now launch PowerShell/Exchange Management Shell, now move to the location where you have saved your .ps1 script file through cd command.
- Run the script in EMS to Export Exchange Mailbox To PST by Specific Date Range.
Manual methods are difficult because to apply them the user needs to follow Powershell commands. For a technical or experienced person, it is easy to make use of this process. But for a new or non-technical user, we will prefer to use Automated methods. The reason behind this is, one single mistake can create a problem of heavy data loss.
Best Tool to Export Exchnage Mailbox To PST With Specific Date Range
Users can take advantage of eSoftTools Exchange EDB to PST Converter software. This single utility can do multiple tasks without the risk of data loss or any problem. In addition, the software has a smart and clean graphical interface. Any user can make use of this tool to Export Exchange mailbox without using any high level of technical skills or command lines.
Steps to Extract/Export Mailbox from EDB to PST
First, perform the downloading and installing process of EDB to PST Converter on a Windows-based machine. After installation, apply the below-given steps to Export Exchange Mailbox To PST With Specific Date Range.
- Launch the Exchnage EDB Converter on your computer.

- Hit the Add File button from the first screen of the software.
- From the next opened screen click on Browse or Search EDB file button for adding Exchange EDB files for conversion.

- Choose the Exchage EDB file version and press the Next button.
- Software will now start the scanning process to load all Exchnage mailbox folders.

- Check the preview of emails and other componenets from EDB file one by one.

- Choose selective folder and emails from EDB file then hit on Export File button.
- Make selection destination path for saving resultant PST file after conversion by clicking on Browse button.

- From the conversion options section, select Outlook PST file(.pst) or another format as per your requirement. (Also you can select Split PST option to reduce PST file size)
- Select Message Filter/Date Range Filter option, then select a From Date and To Date.

- Press the Start Export button and begin the process to Export Exchange Mailbox to PST with specific date range and provide you results in a very less time.