How to Convert MSG to vCard / VCF files?
Smartly Convert MSG to vCard (.vcf)/ HTML/ MHTML and PDF files using MSG to vCard Converter Software.
Most Advanced and Result Oriented Solution to Convert MSG to vCard (.vcf) files called eSoftTools MSG to vCard Converter software. With a simple process convert all your MSG files containing contacts into vCard files version 2.1, 3.0, and 4.0. Save Each contact to separate vCard file as well as import all contact to single vCard file.
Download, Install, and Run eSoftTools MSG to vCard Converter Software for Windows computer.
Click on the "Select MSG File/Folder" button.

Choose any one option for MSG files: -
- Select MSG Folder: - Select a folder with sub-folders and several MSG files.
- Select MSG Files: - Add single or multiple MSG file from a single location.
Add MSG files and click the Next button to load them.

Click on imported MSG folders and files and view contacts from them inside the preview panel.

Choose the required MSG Folder/files, click on the Convert MSG & apply the following steps for MSG Conversion.
Steps to Convert MSG to vCard/VCF file format
Select the Export in vCard conversion option and apply other needed settings: -
- File Saving Location
- vCard Version
- Export vCard file as
- Remove Duplicacy

Software Functions Details: -
- File Saving Location: - Select the path where you want to store the new vCard files.
- vCard Version: - Select the version (2.1, 3.0, or 4.0) that you want the new vCard file for.
- Export vCard file as: - Choose mode of storing MSG contacts in vCard file
- Create a single vCard for all contacts: - Get a vCard file containing contacts of multiple MSG files.
- Create separate vCard for every contact: - Get a separate vCard file for each MSG file contact.
- Remove Duplicacy: - Prevent duplicate MSG contacts from being copied to vCard. Find similar contacts by their first name, last name and email address.
In the final step, click on Convert and start exporting contacts from MSG to vCard files.

Convert MSG to PDF / HTML or MHTML
After MSG folder selection, choose a conversion format from drop-down list.
- Export in HTML: -
- Export in MHTML: -
- Export in PDF: -
After this, select and apply other other required settings.

Additional Options: -
- File Saving Location: - Choose a location from your computer to store resultant files.
- Naming Convention: - Provide name to resultant files with different naming patterns by date, from and subject.
- Save Attachment: - Create separate folder for each MSG file and store associated attachments in them.
- Mail filtering: - Select email filtering option to export emails from MSG files of a specific date range.
Hit on Convert and begin the MSG to vCard conversion process.