How to Extract Attachments & Email Addresses From EML Files?

Prominent solution to instantly Extract entire email addresses and attachments from all kinds of EML files.

Download eSoftTools EML Attachments Extractor Software, the easiest way to extract attachments from EML files in bulk with easy steps. In addition, Extract email addresses from multiple EML files in a single process. Save all Extracted attachments desired location.

Step-1) Launch EML Attachment Extractor on your machine
EML Attachment Extractor
Step-2) Press the "Select EML Folder" button from the menu bar.
From next opened window click the "Select EML folder" button

Now navigate to EML folder location and select them, then hit on Next button

EML folder selection
Step-3) Load all EML folder and subfolders. Check the live preview of email items with attachments.
Preview EML folder & emails

Extract Attachments & Email Address from EML emails

eSoftTools EML Attachment Extractor Software, to Extract both attachments and email address from EML email files. To Extract Attachments and Email Address see the complete steps, mentioned below:-

After selection of all required EML folders hit on Extract Email Attachments button from the top menu

Step-4) A new screen will now open by the software with multiple options:-
  • Saving location:- Choose a location where you want to save the resultanat file after attachments Extraction.
  • Attachments Options:-
    • Extract All Attachments from EML file:- To Extract Attachments from entire EML files/folders in one go.
      • Save Attachments in Single Folder:- Save all extracted email attachments in a single folder.
      • Save Attachments in Separate Folder By Message Subject:- Create sepearate folder to save attachments of a particular EML email.
    • Extract Any Specific File Extension Attacment:- Extract Attachments of a specific extention from EML files.
  • Other Options:-
    • Naming Conventions:- Choose this option to select a naming format from a pre-defined list of naming options.
    • Mail Filtering:- Apply mail filtering to perform attachments Extraction process from emails of only required dates by selecting start and ending date.
Step-5) After making sekection of required options for extraction, simply hit on Convert button begin the process of attachments extraction from EML files.
Extract email attachments from eml

Make selection of required EML folders from the preview panel then hit on Extract Email Address button from the menubar

Step-4) Now a new window will appear on your computer with different options:-
  • Saving location:- Choose a location where you want to save the resultant file after attachments Extraction.
  • Email Filter Criteria:-In this section choose a required filed from the option (All, To, BCC, CC, and From)
  • Mail Filtering:- Select start and end date to make emails selection with required dates.
Step-5) Choose required options, then click on Convert button and start the process of email address extraction from EML files.
Extract email addresses from EML
Step-6) After completeion of email address extraction process the software will show you a new window with a dialog "Conversion Completed successfully". After Extraction, user will get a new .txt file with all email addresses.
email address extraction complete

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