How to Remove Local Access Protection from NSF files & Open Encrypted NSF File?

Do you have a password for your Lotus Notes emails and want to to open these files? So this blog is for you. This blog provides a comprehensive approach to the question of How to Remove Local Access Protection from NSF file database.

IBM Lotus Notes stores all its data in an NSF (Notes Storage Facility) file, as we all know. NSF file has the access to store all Lotus Notes mailbox contents, including emails, contacts, appointments, calendars, and so on. Lotus Notes administrator can secure the NSF database with a password to prevent unauthorized access and other security problems.

However, there are times when users with access rights to a document are unable to access it. In these circumstances, we have to perform NSF local security removal process.

Also Read:- How to Reset/Change Password in IBM Lotus Notes?

More details on NSF Local Security

Many Lotus Notes users use Access Control Lists (ACL) to enforce restrictions in order to limit user behavior. When a new user account connects with Domino Server, the administrator’s first step is to apply ACL factors to the account. During the forensic analysis of the NSF file, this activity becomes a disadvantage because the investigators find it difficult to access the file. If anyone tries to access the password-protected Lotus Notes database file, they will receive several error messages, such as:

  • You are not authorized to perform that operation.
  • You are not authorized to access that database.

As a result, they look for ways to decrypt the Lotus Notes database. As a result, we’ve covered how to decrypt a Lotus Notes.nsf file in a simple manner in this post.

How to Remove Local Access Protection from NSF files

Users should have a clear understanding of Lotus Notes e-discovery and email client basics before beginning the process. This method will use Notes Client 8.5.x, and there will be no need for a user id or password.

  • First, replace the with the corresponding NSF that you want to open.
  • Open the NSF file(s) you want to access or remove the password from in the Lotus Notes Client.
  • Select View -> Advanced Menus.
  • Now choose the file you want to open & access. File => Application => New Copy
  • Finally, choose the location where you want to save the file and give it a name. (You must uncheck the Access Control List checkbox.)
  • After this, press the OK button to create a new NSF file. You’ll be able to Remove Local Access Protection from NSF files & open NSF files without having to enter a password.


This blog discusses a manual solution for removing the password from a Lotus Notes database file. Using the method described above, you can save both time and data. You can use the above solution to solve the problem and gain access to Lotus Notes database files without a password.

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